Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sprinkler timers

Today we got sprinkler timers and automatic water valves to get the ball rolling on a couple of small gardens. Hopefully in the next week or two we can get those installed for the Bullocks and Wadsworths and get some drip lines laid for their gardens. Grandpa and Grandma also need to get some water lines and pots in place for a garden. By next fall we hope to have all the bugs worked out so we can plant a ton of strawberry plants and maybe even a few other things.

Getting started - what we don't know...

On Friday evening, March 27, 2009, most of us met at Dave and Jilynn's house to begin planning our group efforts to improve our family preparedness. To summarize our discussion, here is a list of topics, projects and websites that came up:

Update or start working on 72 hour kits

Encourage each family to clarify their own plan for a 3 month supply

Plan Family Home Evening to start involving the children in preparedness

Start a preparedness blog

Make plans for water storage

Gather all important family documents into a folder or notebook

Plan small gardens with automatic watering timer

Involve children in growing sprouts in the kitchen

Share information on acquiring containers and good deals on food items

Share recipes that work well with stored foods

We hope to involve all the children in a way that will make a lasting impression on them. We hope they will experience success and satisfaction early on, and look forward to ongoing family preparedness projects.

We will plan to meet again in April when Joe and Rhonda are here.

Meanwhile, we pray that all will go well for Jilynn and Dave on SUNDAY!